Learn to cook delicious Italian food with Daniela
What you need:
A device with camera, audio and internet connection as well as a Smartphone, tablet, or laptop to connect to my Whereby online cooking class room. You don’t need to download any App
(Whereby is an online platform for meetings)
How the class works:
Every week we will make a different from scratch 3-courses meal: a starter, pasta and a dessert or pasta, a main course and a dessert. We will use fresh and seasonal ingredients to make delicious and easy dishes to prepare in less than 30 minutes.
The class lasts about 2h-2h30, even if the time is flexible.
Before the class:
After booking your cooking class, I will send you an email with the list of ingredients to buy and the kitchen tools required. You will receive the link to connect to my Whereby class room. You don’t need to download any App